I’m a scholar of modern and contemporary art who specializes in queer and hemispheric forms of knowing, particularly in makers’ relationships with their materials. My work borrows from environmental art history, feminism, and queer theory to articulate the ways in which ideas emerge from outside Western aesthetic canons, including alternative histories of scientific visualization. My first book, Out of Paper: Drawing, Environment, and the Body in 1960s America, forthcoming in 2024 from Yale University Press, charts the many connections between drawing, design, and ecology in American studio practice in the long 1960s. My current book project, Devour Everything: Queering Art After Agriculture, examines the role of food and nourishment in queer Latinx communities since the United Farm Workers movement.
I work as an assistant professor of art history at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where I direct Art, Data, and Environment/s, an interdisciplinary consortium that uses art and design history to consider colonial histories of water use and resource extraction.